Home » Products » Trelegy Ellipta

Product Information

Generic name:  
  • Fluticasone 

  •  Umeclidinium 

  •  Vilanterol


Trelegy Ellipta is an inhalation powder containing a combination of fluticasone, umeclidinium, and vilanterol.

Fluticasone is a steroid that prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation.

Umeclidinium is an anticholinergic. Vilanterol is a bronchodilator. These medications work by relaxing muscles in the airways to improve breathing.

Trelegy Ellipta is used to improve symptoms and prevent bronchospasm in adults with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), including bronchitis and emphysema.

Trelegy Ellipta may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.

What are the available dosage forms and strengths?

Powder for inhalation

  • (100 mcg/62.5 mcg/25 mcg)/blister

How should you use Trelegy Ellipta (Fluticasone, Umeclidinium, and Vilantero)? 

Follow all directions on your prescription label and read all medication guides or instruction sheets. Use exactly as directed by your healthcare provider.

Use Trelegy Ellipta at the same time each day, and not more than one inhalation once daily.  You only need to inhale once a day because the effect of this medicine lasts for 24 hours.

Read and follow all patient instructions provided with the inhaler device. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you do not understand these instructions.

To prevent a yeast infection in your mouth, rinse with water (but do not swallow) after using Trelegy Ellipta.

Trelegy Ellipta is used only in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and should not be used to treat asthma.

Trelegy Ellipta is not a rescue medicine for bronchospasm attacks. Use only fast-acting inhalation medicine for an attack. Seek medical attention if your breathing problems get worse quickly, or if you think your medications are not working as well.

Your dose needs may change due to surgery, illness, stress, or worsened COPD. Do not change your dose or dosing schedule without your doctor’s advice.

You may need frequent medical tests. Your vision and your bone mineral density may also need to be checked.

Do not use a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose. If you forget to use a dose, use it as soon as you remember it and then use the next dose at the right time.

Store at room temperature; away from moisture, heat, and light. Keep the inhaler device in the sealed foil tray until ready to start using it.

Who should not use Trelegy Ellipta (Fluticasone, Umeclidinium, and Vilantero)?

Trelegy Ellipta should not be used if:

  • you are allergic to fluticasone furoate, umeclidinium, vilanterol or any of the other ingredients of this medicine (milk protein);

  • you are younger than 18 years old; or

  • you have asthma, to treat your asthma.

What to avoid while using Trelegy Ellipta (Fluticasone, Umeclidinium, and Vilantero)?

While using Trelegy avoid using the follow:

  • grapefruit or grapefruit juice without talking to your doctor or healthcare professional. Graprefruit may intensify the side effects from the fluticasone component;

  • caffeine-sensitive persons, may experience nausea, nervousness, palpitations, problems with sleep, rapid heartbeat, or other side effects. Some of these effects are additive with other medications. Some patients may need to limit or avoid excessive caffeine intake from foods, beverages, dietary supplements or medicines.

What should I tell my healthcare provider before using Trelegy Ellipta (Fluticasone, Umeclidinium, and Vilantero)? 

Trelegy Ellipta is for use only in people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and should not be used to treat asthma.

Tell your doctor if you have ever had:

  • heart disease, high blood pressure;

  • a seizure;

  • a weak immune system;

  • any type of infection, including tuberculosis, herpes infection of the eyes, or an infection caused by parasites;

  • liver disease;

  • glaucoma or cataracts;

  • diabetes (or ketoacidosis);

  • osteoporosis;

  • a thyroid disorder; or

  • an enlarge prostate, bladder obstruction, or urination problems.

Vilanterol may increase the risk of death in people with asthma, but the risk in people with COPD is not known. Seek medical attention if your breathing problems do not improve, or if your symptoms get worse quickly.

It is not known whether Trelegy Ellipta will harm an unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant.

It may not be safe to breast-feed while using Trelegy Ellipta. Ask your doctor about any risk.

Trelegy Ellipta is not approved for use by anyone younger than 18 years old.

What are the possible side effects of Trelegy Ellipta (Fluticasone, Umeclidinium, and Vilantero)? 

Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction to Trelegy Ellipta: hives; difficult breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

  • tremors, nervousness, chest pain, fast or pounding heartbeats;

  • fever, chills, cough with mucus, feeling short of breath;

  • sores or white patches in your mouth and throat, pain when swallowing;

  • wheezing, choking, or other breathing problems after using this medicine;

  • painful or difficult urination;

  • blurred vision, tunnel vision, eye pain, or seeing halos around lights;

  • high blood sugar – increased thirst, increased urination, dry mouth, fruity breath odor;

  • low potassium level – leg cramps, constipation, irregular heartbeats, fluttering in your chest, numbness or tingling, muscle weakness or limp feeling; or

  • signs of a hormonal disorder – worsening tiredness or muscle weakness, feeling light-headed, nausea, vomiting.

Common side effects may include:

  • cold or flu symptoms such as runny or stuffy nose, sore throat, cough;

  • nausea, vomiting, stomach pain;

  • constipation, diarrhea;

  • joint pain;

  • hoarse voice;

  • headache, back pain; or

  • mouth pain, changes in your sense of taste.

This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects.

What other drugs interact with Trelegy Ellipta (Fluticasone, Umeclidinium, and Vilantero)? 

Tell your doctor about all your other medicines, especially:

  • atropine;

  • antifungal or antiviral medicine;

  • betablockers (propranolol, atenolol);

  • ritonavir or cobicistat, to treat HIV infection;

  • medicine to treat depression, anxiety, mood disorders, or mental illness;

  • cold or allergy medicine (Benadryl and others);

  • medicine to treat Parkinson’s disease;

  • medicine to treat stomach problems, motion sickness, or irritable bowel syndrome;

  • medicine to treat overactive bladder; or

  • other bronchodilator asthma medication.

This list is not complete. Other drugs may affect this medication, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Not all possible drug interactions are listed here.

What happens if I overdose?

Seek emergency medical attention

Where can I get more information about Trelegy Ellipta (Fluticasone, Umeclidinium, and Vilantero)?

If you have any questions about buying discount Trelegy Ellipta (Fluticasone, Umeclidinium, and Vilantero) or any other prescription products online, you can contact us.

Other Information

Description of Trelegy Ellipta

Uses of Trelegy Ellipta

Available dosage forms and strengths

How should you take Trelegy Ellipta

Precautions and contraindications for Trelegy Ellipta

In case of overdosage

Warnings and Cautions

Drug interactions


Do you have any questions regarding this product?

Delivery Timetable


Average regular delivery time for Trelegy Ellipta is 10 days from our Canadian online pharmacy.


Delivery times for Trelegy Ellipta do vary depending on the location of the dispensary.


The reason deliveries take time is primarily due to customs procedures that need to be completed.


Expedited and tracked delivery services are available from our Canadian online dispensary.

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