News February 15, 2019 | CanadaOnlineHealth
Ménière's disease is an inner ear disorder causing dizzy spells (also known as vertigo) and often hearing loss. In medical terms it is also known as idiopathic (or primary) endolymphatic hydrops. Idiopathic means it presents itself for no known reason.
Ménière's disease symptoms may include some or all of the following:
Some patients may experience something called a drop-attack, also known as Tumarkin’s otolithic crisis. In this instance, a patient has a sudden feeling of falling or tipping, even though they may be standing perfectly straight. The patient then attempts to straighten themselves and, as a result, they fall down. According to a 2018 study in the Journal of Vestibular Research, out of a survey of 602 patients with Ménière's, 49% of them had experienced these drop attacks.
According to the American Hearing Research Foundation (link to Ménière's affects approximately 615,000 Americans, with over 45,000 new cases diagnosed every year.
There is no actual known single cause for Ménière's disease, and while there is no cure, there are at least treatments and medications for Ménière's disease that may help relieve the condition and the unpleasant symptoms that accompany it.
Serc (also known as Betahistine)
Betahistine is used for the treatment of hearing problems and dizziness, two symptoms of Ménière's disease. It helps to reduce the number of episodes of vertigo the patient experiences by decreasing pressure in the ear.
Serc comes in two pill sizes:
Adult dose: The usual dose is 24mg to 48mg taken in 2-3 divided doses. Example: 12mg -24mg twice a day, or 8mg to 16mg three times a day). This medication is to be taken with food to prevent stomach upset.
Your doctor or pharmacist will consult with you to ensure you are taking the right dose, as conditions such as weight and other medical conditions you may have may affect how this medicine is prescribed for you.
What can you do to help minimize the effects of Ménière's disease?
Along with taking the medications for Ménière's disease, certain lifestyle changes have been shown to at least provide some relief of symptoms.
There may be other treatments that may help with the pressure in the ear. Speak to your doctor about what treatments may be available to you as an addition to your medication.
If you have questions about Serc or betahistine, we would be happy to answer your questions. Please call us toll free at 1-800-399-DRUG (3784) to speak to one of our pharmacy representatives.
Further information on Serc can be found at the following link: Learn More