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How Masks Work

News January 7, 2021 | CanadaOnlineHealth

Covid-19 is spread through microscopic particles that can leave your body through your nose and your mouth. This happens when we talk, breath, cough and sneeze. As there are a lot of rumours and misinformation regarding masks and their effectiveness, there is also a lot of evolving information. Scientists and experts are constantly researching and learning about the best ways to protect yourself during this global pandemic

With all this information out there surrounding masks, it’s hard to know which are facts and which are not. This video created by It’s Okay to be Smart shows how simply breathing can spread the Coronavirus and how wearing the right mask can protect you and those who surround you! Click here to see the video.

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Once you understand the importance of wearing a mask the next question usually asked is, what mask should I be wearing? N95, KN95, medical and cloth masks have all been said to help slow the spread of the Coronavirus, but how do you pick which one to use? Here’s an article that helps people understand which mask is right for them!

Have you been out and about, wearing your mask, and felt it was hard to breathe? So, you pull the mask down slightly so your nose can stick out and you can breathe more freely? This may be putting you at a way higher risk of not only contracting COVID-19 but also spreading it to others. A mask is only good for protecting you and others against COVID-19 if it’s being worn properly.

There was a new study conducted by the Journal Cell that looks at where the Coronavirus is most likely to cause infection. The study outlines how your nose holds more potential of attracting the Coronavirus than your other respiratory tract (like your throat or lungs). What this means is you are more likely to contract the virus when breathing through your nose than through your mouth. By wearing your mask properly, with it covering your mouth and nose, you reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19. Read more here regarding wearing a mask that covers your nose and mouth.

The next step in mask safety that many may be confused about, is how to clean and store your mask when you are not using it. Although some masks are disposable and are only for one-time use, there are many reusable options as well. Cloth masks have become very popular during the pandemic as you can reuse them many times, however, it’s imperative that you clean and store your mask properly.

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